Sustainability and environmental considerations at #WCBRS

It’s a hard thing to start a blog post with, but it’s become undeniable: climate change is real and we need to change our ways when it comes to plastics. The state of the environment for future generations is not looking rosy right now.

We think there’s a lot that can be done, both as individuals and as a #WordPress community. Together we can do great things to lessen our impact! As WordCamp Bristol 2019 organisers we’re trying to do the best we can, even though we realise that’s not perfection, it is a step in the right direction.

Here’s what we’ve been doing and towards the end of the article a summary of how you can help.

What we’ve been doing

We’ve chosen venues with good environmental credentials

Our main conference space, the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol has a strong environmental and ethical policy, which was a key factor in our decision to hold WCBRS here. They have also recently become the first UK university to declare a climate emergency.

The Watershed Bristol, the venue for our Saturday night social, is also known for its environmental credentials locally. Their cafe aims to source all of its food from the local area of the South West.

We’ve chosen venues as close together as possible

To minimise the amount of travel around Bristol we’ve chosen our venues to be as close to one another as possible. You can walk between them all comfortably through nice surroundings.

We’ve scheduled two talks on sustainability

The WholeGrain Digital team will be sharing their ‘Study in Green‘.

Joss Ford will be talking about ‘Why is now the right time to put purpose over profit… spoiler alert – purpose equals profit!‘.

Joss has also arranged for his company, Enviral, to plant a tree for every attendee who bought a ticket. That’s whopping 142 new trees. Great or what!

We’ve paid careful attention to swag

We think a successful WordCamp is defined by the people and connections you make, not the stuff and things you take home with you.

So we’ve reduced our swag budget to zero. The only swag we’re giving out has been gifted to us – stickers from in-kind sponsor Sticker Mule and leftover reusable cups from WordCamp London. We’ve also asked every sponsor to consider what they bring and wherever possible focus on giving attendees good experiences rather than plastic trinkets that end up in landfill.

We’ve gone vegetarian and vegan

Reducing our consumption of meat is a powerful way we as individuals can make a difference. We think if it’s good enough for Mike Tyson, Venus Williams and Martina Navratilova we’ll be ok.

All the food we are offering will be delicious, responsibly sourced and vegetarian/vegan. We’ve got to be honest, this also helps us reduce food waste as cutting out the meat means more of the food can be eaten by more of you.

We got labels rather than stickers

When StickerMule approached us about offering free stickers for our event, we asked about the manufacturing process and impacts. They sent us this article explaning the different manufacturing process.

We opted for having stickers on a roll which are a better option. Sure this means one of our volunteers will get the glorious job of cutting them up but we thought that was a good sacrifice to make.

We’re working with other WordCamps to share ideas and resources

Throughout the organisation of WCBRS we have maintaned close contact with WordCamp London 2019 to share ideas, and resources where possible. You can check out their blog post on their sustainability considerations.

We’ll also be sending on any reusable items, such as lanyards and leftover reusable mugs to WordCamp Brighton.


What can you do to help?

Buy your ticket early

Help us place an accurate food order by buying your ticket early.

Lift share

Driving to #WCBRS? Make a shout out on twitter (use the hashtag #WCBRS) and find other fabulous WordCampers going your way.

Cycle to the venue

Bristol is a cycling city – visitors are often surprised by the number of people whizzing past on bikes. Our main conference venue at the School of Chemistry has cycle racks literally outside the door. If you don’t have your own bike but are keen to cycle you could make use of Bristol’s YoBike cycle hire scheme.

Reuse your lanyards

For many, attending WordCamps becomes somewhat of an addiction because, well, they’re awesome fun! I don’t know about you, but when I look at the back of my drawers I’ve found lots of lanyards from previous events.

We’re asking attendees to bring their own lanyard and any other spares they have at home to be reused.

There will be a special box at reception where you can deposit any spares for others to use. You can also also leave your lanyards behind at the end so we can send them on to other events. For example to WordCamp Brighton happening in August.

Don’t worry if you don’t have your own, we have a supply to give out to anyone that needs one.

Be selective about the swag you take

We’ll be offering reusable cups and water bottles, even though the main conference venue uses china plates etc. You’re welcome to take them home as a souvenir. But please, if you already have reusable cups home leave them behind. Even a used one, we can always wash them up and send them on. Again anything left over will sent on to another WordCamp.

Further ideas?

If you’ve got any other ideas give us a shout. There’s lots of ways to contact us and we’re always keen to have other people get involved.

Is WordCamp Bristol for me? Here’s our reasons to say yes!

We’re hard at work organising WordCamp Bristol 2019: we’ve got the schedule sorted, contributor day arranged, swag on order and sponsors lined up.

Now we need the missing components – YOU, our attendees!

What is WordCamp Bristol?

If the concept of a WordCamp is new to you here’s a quick summary of what you can expect from WordCamp Bristol…

WordCamp Bristol is a WordPress focussed conference being held over three days. It’s an opportunity to learn, meet others, find out things you didn’t know you needed to know, eat, drink and be merry!

The main conference days are Sat 18th – Sun 19th May and will feature two tracks of talks on a huge variety of topics aimed at all experience levels and disciplines. All for the bargain price of £35. Yes you read that right – £35 for both days!

Our contributor day, a smaller affair, will be held on Friday 17th May and is an opportunity to give back to the fabulous open source WordPress community. Tickets are free but must be ordered separately to your main conference day ticket.

So now you have the gist of what’s happening, here’s some reasons you should absolutely come along for all or part of what will be a very special event in the South West.

Reason #1 – Did we mention tickets are just £35 for *both* days? What incredible value!

Don’t be fooled into thinking that a low ticket price means a low quality event – that couldn’t be further from the truth!

A ticket actually costs us £125 when you take into account all the costs, such as venue hire and food & drink. Additionally, none of the organisers get paid for this fantastic WordPress event, it’s all voluntary.

It’s thanks to our generous sponsors that we can open up this unforgettable event to more people by offering such a low price tickets. To recap, a £35 ticket gets you to:

  • Lunch on both days
  • An evening social with more food provided
  • Access to two days of talks
  • Swag and freebies to take home

Even if you can only make it for just one of the talks, you are still getting incredible value.

Reason #2 – The WordPress community is honest, friendly and welcoming

A lot of people make a lot of noise about how friendly and welcoming the WordPress community is – it’s true, the fuss is justified!

You will leave finding your heart warmed and your brain stuffed!

No matter your background or experience level you will find yourself sure of a warm welcome. You can check out our code of conduct for more details.

Reason #3 – Our schedule isn’t just about coding

Our schedule is varied and has been created to appeal to a diverse audience of people who use WordPress for their work. Designers, marketeers, business owners or user experience specialists will all find talks that are hugely interesting to them.

Reason #4 – Our speakers are the best! Literally.

We worked very hard to put together the very best selection of speakers possible to represent WordPress in the South West and South Wales. Like our organisers, all our speakers our volunteers too. Every speaker is a seasoned speaker who is an expert in his or her field and is sure to spark your interest in their chosen topic.

Not only that, our speakers are normal human beings too (who’d have thought!) who will be happy to chat and catch up with you after their talk. They will be around the conference to answer your questions or discuss WordPress further with you.

Being honest we found the selection process hard as we has such a huge array of talent to choose from in the local area. You can read more about who applied to speak and how we made our decisions in our speaker selection process blog.

Reason #5 – It’s not what you know, it’s who you know – there’s ample opportunity to network

One of the best things about any WordCamp is the fantastic people you get to meet. The speakers, the volunteers, the sponsors and of course the most important part of it all, you, our attendees.

As well as the two tracks of talks, WordCamp Bristol has ample space, inside and outside, for sharing a cup of tea with someone and having a chat about whatever takes your fancy. We fondly call this the “hallway track”. Not only that but the after party on Saturday night, which will be a low-key affair, will give you plenty of opportunity to catch up with speakers and other attendees.

You might heard that Bristol is one of the biggest tech hubs outside of London and is fondly known as the Silicon Gorge. So you’re sure to meet other attendees who do all sorts of weird and wonderful things with WordPress: if you can think of it, someone will be here doing it!

Reason #6 – Need a bit of downtime? We’ve got you covered

We all know that conferences can become a little overwhelming at times. Because of that we have a dedicated quiet room (an entire lecture room) where you can escape to process that amazing talk you just heard or simply to get some quiet time to yourself to reflect.

Not only that but our venue is in a quiet area of Bristol University’s precinct, and 5 minutes away is the beautiful Royal Fort Gardens which will be open on the weekend to escape to, should you feel you need a dose of outsideness.

Reason #7 – Eat and drink to your heart’s (or belly’s) content

All this learning and networking can certainly help you build up an appetite. As part of your £35 ticket there will be ample food and drink for all throughout the day.

On arrival and available all day there will be free water, tea, coffee and biscuits. Lunch on both Saturday and Sunday will be a buffet lunch with a variety of vegetarian and vegan food to satisfy all diets. We are able to cater for any allergies, just be sure to tell us when you buy your ticket. There will also be dinner at our after-party venue at the Watershed.

Reason #8 – Bristol is awesome!

If you don’t live in Bristol, you should know that there is something in the water here that makes this place incredibly special. Seriously, get on to Google now and type in ‘bristol voted best city’. In fact we’ve just done it for you, have a look at the top results…

In the top results: best place to live , best place to live outside of London for under 26s, happiest city, kindest city (we’re especially proud of that one) and one of Europe’s Top 10 cities. And no, Bristolians didn’t write all these posts about themselves! 😉

We invite you to come and see for yourself our beautiful, crazy creative city and get a dose of some feel good.

Reason #9 – Our venues are lovely

We’ve got three venues that WordCamp Bristol will be happening across.

The main conference at the School of Chemistry
Our Saturday night social will be at the Watershed with lovely views of the harbour
Friday’s Contributor day will also be on the waterfront with lovely views

How did we do? Are you coming?

We hope you feel as excited as we do about coming along! It’s not often that the South West gets an opportunity to come together to talk about all things WordPress. We hope you will be part of something special.

What is a contributor day?

A contributor day is a special kind of day where existing and new contributors to WordPress work together to make WordPress better. Tickets are free and anyone is welcome to attend.

Why attend?

Attending a contributor day and getting involved is a great way of giving back to WordPress and getting more involved in the community. After all, WordPress is open source code that has been created and maintained by volunteers and is given away freely for others to use.

Aside from the warm fuzzy feelings of giving back, there are a few other reasons to come along:

  • Learning – you will find that you learn a great deal about how WordPress works, especially in the area you get involved in contributing to.
  • Meeting others – it’s a great way to get to know others who work with WordPress, you never know who you will end up sitting next to.
  • Broadening your horizons – the WordPress community is vast and complex, undoubtedly you will learn things you never knew you wanted to know!
  • You will be welcome – whoever you are, whatever your background or skills, you will be welcome and your efforts valued. We have a code of conduct to ensure the WordCamp Bristol 2019 Contributor Day will be a safe and positive event for everyone.

There a great article on called Why contributing to WordPress benefits everyone, that’s a really good read.

“I volunteered to help at my first WordCamp in Soltau, Germany, when I was still very new to the community and to contributing. It gave me the chance to meet people who had been contributing for years. It was great! The amount of value, knowledge and great tips that you can learn during a WordCamp and a Contributor Event, has no parallel.”

Maria Aragón, from ACOCO Web
Contributor day at WordCamp Milano 2018 – (Photo courtesy of WordCamp Milano)

Who can come?

Our WordPress contributor day is open to everyone whatever your skills and experience levels. Our aim is to provide a range of opportunities to contribute to that literally anyone can get involved in even if you are new to using WordPress.

Many people wonder if a contribution day is just for coders – definitely not! There are lots of ways to contribute, many of which require little to no technical coding knowledge. Only a willingness to try, ask questions and a laptop!

What happens?

WordPress contributor days come in all shapes and sizes, from a handful of people huddled around a table to packed out conference halls. We aim for WordCamp Bristol’s contributor day to be somewhere in the middle, a more intimate affair focusing on quality over quantity.

Most smaller contributor days, such as ours, keep their contributor days focused on three or four tracks (the name for each team). We will be doing just that, more info on the tracks you can expect below.

Generally contributor days follow a similar format:

  • Welcome session at the beginning to explain how the day will work and what tracks leads are available
  • Contributors self-organise into tracks, depending on their skills and interests.
  • Each track will have a team leader, familiar with the subject who will assist others in getting set-up and give you help throughout the day.
  • The teams will then work on specific aspects of WordPress, for instance design, support, core development, theme reviews etc.
Contributor Day, WordCamp Manchester 2016 – photo credit 34SP

What do I need?

There are a few things you need to bring and do first:

Slack is the main communication tool used by contributors and the various WordPress teams. It is a free tool with a desktop, mobile and browser version.

Will food and drinks be provided?

Yes! Your time is really valued, as such we will be making sure you are well watered and fed – drinks, snacks and lunch are provided free of charge.

What tracks (topics) will I be able to contribute to?

“I thought for a long time that I would have little to contribute to WordPress, until I stepped up at WordCamp US and realized I could make a difference. To top it off, I got to meet some amazing people and make some great new friends.”

Scott Jones, from Illustrate Digital

Whilst there are a huge variety of tracks you can contribute to, we believe for a smaller event like ours it is best to focus our efforts on a smaller number of tracks so that new contributors will have the best experience possible. As such we have arranged table leads for the following:

  • Design – provide input to mockups, design, and user testing – suitable for complete beginners.
  • – help caption or even edit videos from other WordCamps – suitable for complete beginners.
  • Support forums – answer questions in the support forums – suitable for more experienced users of WordPress.
  • Theme reviews – review themes that are submitted to the theme repository – suitable for more experienced developers.

NB: Unless you are already an existing contributor who’s contributed to the other available tracks (see below), it’s unlikely we will have team leads to be able to support new contributors in the other track topics.

Already an experienced Contributor?

Come join us! We would love to have you on board.

If you feel comfortable with it, we would also appreciate more table leads. If you know the ins and outs of contributing to any of the above or other tracks we have not yet mentioned (e.g. Core, Accessibility, Polygots), please get in touch. We definitely couldn’t have too many mentors for the people starting out, and your experience would be a great asset for the day. We’d all love to learn from you!

Want to come along? Great!

Tickets are FREE!

The day will take place at The Pavilion, No1 Hannover Quay, Bristol BS1 5JE between 10am and 3pm.

To keep our day intimate there are only a limited number of tickets. We please ask that if you find you can no longer attend you let us know and we’ll release your ticket for somebody else. Whilst tickets are free, it certainly doesn’t mean this event is free for us to put on and we want to ensure that all the available places are taken on the day.

To hear the latest news be sure to follow us on Twitter.

Our schedule is released

We have been working hard to make the best possible line-up we can for WordCamp Bristol 2019’s two conference days. Today, we are pleased to annouce that all our speakers have confirmed and we can release our schedule.

We are overjoyed by the reaction on Twitter – it seems that you are as excited as we are! Tickets are only £35 for two days, that includes food and an after party – what are you waiting for?!?!